Kansai International Airport - Best Artificial Airport in the World!

Kansai International Airport is situated on an artificial island in the middle of Osaka Bay off the coast of Honshu, 38 km (24 mi) southwest of the city, located in three municipalities, including Izumisano (north), Sennan (south), and Tajiri (central), in Osaka Prefecture, Japan.

Third Busiest Airport

Kansai International Airport receives around 30 million passengers per year. In 2016 the airport was used by 25.2 million passengers making it Asia's 30th busiest airport and Japan's 3rd busiest. Kansai was named Best Airport Staff of Asia, Best Airport Staff of the World, and Best Baggage Delivery Airport of the World in 2020.

It's kept open 24 hours a day as the runways are located entirely at sea. It is also a major transit route to Japan, South East Asia, and Australia. A 3.75 km long, two-stage bridge links the island to the mainland. The upper level has a bridge, while the lower level has two parallel rail lines.

A Masterpiece of Engineering

The construction of the airport lasted 38 months and included an average of 6,000 employees (10,000 during peak construction periods). The airport was formally opened in June 1994 and was opened to air traffic on 4 September of the same year.

The airport platform is a wonderful site for structural engineering. It stands on more than a million supporting columns that penetrate 20 meters into the sea and 20 meters into the muddy layer before being pulled down 40 meters into the rock below.

Terminal 1

The building at Terminal 1 consists of a four-story main building and north and south wings. The lobbies for domestic departure and arrival are on the second floor, the lobby for international departure is on the fourth floor and the lobby for international arrival is on the first floor. 

The second floor is directly connected to a train station and arrival bus stops are on the fourth floor while departure bus stops are on the first floor, making access to ground transportation very convenient.

Terminal 2

The Terminal 2 building LCC (Low-Cost Carrier) terminal, opened in October 2012 and expanded in January 2017, has the country's first smart security lanes and duty-free walk-through.

The terminal building and Aeroplaza have several restaurants and souvenir shops, as well as accommodation and leisure facilities.


In 2001, Kansai International Airport was identified by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) as one of ten civil engineering projects with the greatest positive effect on 20th-century life.

Kansai Airport won an award in the category of Airport design and construction. ASCE analyzed the technological, environmental, and social aspects of Kansai International Airport thoroughly.

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Check out our Site: https://wanderersthoughts.in/ 

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Dishi Singh



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