
Showing posts with the label #mentalhealth

Does feelings are real these days?

People tend to overlook their emotions and play a catch game to win someone’s heart. Real connections are merely a word of thin air. Things took a steep turn and the innocence in relationships has hit a severe downfall, where they want to sneak into their partner’s regular lifestyle to find the differences. People in relationships are trying to compare than being compassionate. Red flags are everywhere. People got 1000 reasons to reject something that’s true & authentic but fall for one reason named love. Of course, it has to be there but that has to be achieved based on quality and innocence & not quantity and intelligence. Masking your originality and portraying it as someone else is applauded these days rather than being raw and real. The comfort you give, the respect you mean, and the connection you crave will all go in vain. At the end of the day, it’s that one lie that you say is what attracts them the most. No matter how genuine you are, looks tend to overlook e

The Four-letter Magic Word

Yes, we all heard it somewhere! It can be felt in different dimensions too – Hugs, holding hands, couple seats, committed, cupid, reserved for you, mine, bae, babe, my king, my queen, my forever, and so on. But why is it foreign to some of us? People say we are unlucky, but the reason lies within us! We all had missed moments waiting for the right time to open up, which often ended as a missed opportunity. When the intentions are pure and honest, you don’t need dramatic scenes or showoff to win someone’s heart, just the mere presence and making them believe that we can do anything and everything for them. It doesn’t happen in a single day; it could take months and years to make it happen. Supporting them throughout both their good and bad phases will create a bond. We should make it stronger, deeper like the roots of a tree. Let me tell a Kutty Story! There is a guy who is an introvert just like her. The connection started as a co-worker, friend and it was just a simple one. Bu

Adolescence – A tricky phase of the younger generation

                    A word used for the growth and development of those in the range of 10-19 years of age, adolescence is one of the most complicated phases of a person’s life. Normally referred to as the teenage years, it’s a time when one’s emotions are totally out of control because of still trying to figure out who they really are. Being understood during such a critical age can be hard and that is what teens crave.                      Mistakes are a common part of growing up and they’re mostly made during adolescence. But since times have changed and technology has advanced in so many ways, teenagers have one more challenge to deal with – their use of and their portrayal on social media.  Social Media:                    During Covid-19, social media has helped in so many ways. It has not only kept people informed but has also helped keep many companies and services alive. However, past incidents have shown that social media is a double-edged sword. The kind of effects it may