Emergence of D614G - A New Coronavirus Cluster


A discovery may reduce the chances of everything to get back to normal and have industries and businesses up and running like before. A new strain D614G, a mutated form of SARS-Cov-2 also more popularly known as Covid-19 or the Coronavirus is – according to Malaysian researchers – "ten times more infectious than the original strain."

How It Began

According to the Malaysian Health Ministry, an Indian restaurant owner who returned to Malaysia is said to have caused the spread of the strain after violating his compulsory two-week quarantine. At least 45 people are said to be infected with the mutated form of the virus. The new form is said to be found in most positive cases in the US and Europe.

How is D614G Different?

The Covid-19 virus has many spike-like protrusions on its main body. These spikes help the virus to stick to and infect human cells. The mutated form also has these spikes but a small change in its protein structure allows D614G to infect human cells quickly and easily. The science behind the behavior of the virus lies in the protein arrangement in its spikes.

It is said that most patients who have the mutated strain of the virus has more of the virus than those infected by the original virus. Because of this, the new form is likely to spread faster.  According to NSU (National University of Singapore), the mutated virus is more contagious but not deadlier. They said that when a virus mutates, it loses its virulence, or in other words, its severity.

In discussions about vaccine development, there are two different viewpoints. One group says that the vaccines developed to combat the original virus may be completely powerless against the mutated form. Another group is of the viewpoint that the mutation is a very minor one and that vaccines may still work in patients carrying the new form.

How Things Might Change

Because of all the uncertainties surrounding Covid-19 and now a mutated form, one cannot say that there won’t be an even deadlier variant of the virus in the future.

The safest option would be to continue how things were before this new discovery –Taking precautions, practicing social distancing, stepping out of the house as less often as possible, and continuing to work from home. The economy has not come to a halt and we have the technology to thank for that.

Technology has been vital in keeping businesses alive.  Rather than a convenience, it has become a necessity. It has helped in living our lives as close as possible to normal. Online orders, cashless payments and digital news among others would not have been possible without technology. Staying alive, safe and informed is of utmost importance now.

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